Sunday, November 15, 2009

House pictures

Here are some pictures of our house, and we're going to post some more once we have some more time to fix it up... It's a work in progress.

This first picture is the view out of the kitchen windows and our master bedroom window. They were taken on my phone (camera's broken), so sorry for the poor quality.


Mike E. said...

Oooh, nice.

Cheryl said...

It is so pretty. Can't wait to see it again! Love ya!

Stacey Crewse said...

Looks fantastic!

Jennifer Salmon said...

Very nice home and looks nice and spacious!

Jessie said...

Beautiful home! You'll have to give us a tour when we're in town this weekend.

Taylor and Jami said...

LOVE IT! you guys must be so excited to have a house of your own...doesn't it make you feel all grown up and what not :) Miss you guys...hopefully we can all get together soon!

Ashley said...

i love this and your blog and you guys